On Saturday 28.8.2010 we spoke about school and school meals in Finland. We had previously learnt cutlery and crockery vocabulary. We had macaroni and mince bake, rye bread with cheese and a drink of buttermilk to taste. For dessert we had chocolate cupcakes.
Viimeinkin Henna tuli miehensä Luken kanssa vierailulle näyttämään tyttövauvaansa Iidaa.
Toisella tunnilla askartelimme isille kirjamerkkejä. Ensin siihen liimattiin isän valokuva ja pieni runo ja sitten lapset koristelivat sen molemmin puolin. Laminoidut merkit vietiin sitten kotiin piiloon odottamaan isänpäivää.
During the second hour we made bookmarks for fathers. Father's photo and a short poem was first glue on to the bookmark and then the children decorated them on both sides. Afterwards the laminated bookmarks were taken home to be hidden until Fathers' Day.