Suomitalo on vuokrattu lounaan ajaksi ensi lauantaina, joten me emme voi sitä käyttää. Sen vuoksi olemme järjestäneet luistelupäivän. Ilmoittakaa Virpille kuinka monta henkeä on tulossa.
The Finnish Hall has been rented out for lunch next Saturday so we can not use it. Therefore we are having an ice-skating day instead. Please let Virpi know how many people are coming.
Please come along, and bring your friends and family, to our Ice Skating Day!
Saturday 27 February.
Session time: 2 - 4.30pm
Address: IceWorld - Acacia Ridge
1179 Beaudesert Road, Acacia Ridge (ph:3277 7563)
Prices (include skate hire):
Child (3-5): $8.
Child (6-14): $13.
Adult: $15.
Family discount (incl skate hire):
2 adults & 2 children $50., or
1 adult & 3 children $50.
(extra child $10 each)
Note: There is a coffee shop, so they ask that no food and drinks be brought into the rink.